Unimpresa SPA - Data

  • The registered office of "UNIMPRESA SpA" is in 5, Piazzale Santi Pietro e Paolo, Rome, and the operational Headquarters with offices and warehouses is in 22, Via Livatino, Castel San Giorgio (SA) 8408. Mr. Domenico Antonio Sacco is the Administrator of the company, Eng. Giovanni Cioci is the Technical Director and Mr. Enrico Rainone is the C.E.O. 
  • There is Technical Administrative staff consisting of a highly experienced team for the management and execution of public contracts.
  •  The present status is better identified in the documentation attached to this presentation where the ownership structure is illustrated, the turnover for the years 2012 and 2013 as well as the registration of the Chamber of Commerce in Rome, the PROTOS SOA and the relative Quality Certification ISO 9001.


Unimpresa S.P.A.

Registered office
Viale America, 93
00144 Roma

Via R. Livatino,22
84083 Castel San Giorgio (SA)
C.F e PIVA 05908770489
Tel +39 081 5161166